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Nosso - Verdejo Natural Vino de la Tierra Castilla y Leòn 2020

Nosso - Verdejo Natural Vino de la Tierra Castilla y Leòn 2020

€ 23,00

Local old timers say that “this tastes like Verdejo used to be” and Nosso represents a turning point and major milestone in Menade’s history so far: a natural Verdejo, not just from vineyards treated with neither copper nor sulphur (a trait that it shares with the rest of our wines) but no sulphur used in its vinification either. The key lies in our rigorous selection process for only very particular plots will do and it reflects the success of the meticulous and exacting attention we have lavished on our vineyards for more than ten years.   Following its alcoholic fermentation, we simply wait for malolactic fermentation to occur spontaneously, when it’s ready. This confers it with a very particular unctuous character, density and volume. In addition, it ensures that microbiologically it is completely stable.   Nosso has all the aromas of the first day of harvest and of wet earth; and for those of us who grew up here on the Castilian meseta it recalls the smell of dew in the early dawn and takes us back to childhood. There’s honey too, and overtones of fresh grape juice. It is lustrous green tinged pale yellow in colour. Intensely floral in aroma, creamy and with lactic notes. Subtle and elegant. It is better to leave the wine in the glass after pouring it because of its carbonic.  It is perfect to pair it with creamy food, thanks to its creaminess at the palate, in order to express its characteristics. Starting from risottos, to crepes with vegetables and bechamel, to pasta with vegetables. Try it with creamy soups with vegetables and fish. Size: 0,75 L Alcohol: 13% vol. Serve at 10°C

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La Misiòn - Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y Leòn 2018

La Misiòn - Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y Leòn 2018

€ 45,00

Made from Verdeja pre-filloxesera, La Misión is made with the fruit from a series of plots of centenary vines growing primarily in sandy soils. ‘Verdeja’ differs from Verdejo in that its grapes are smaller, its bunches more oval, and it is more resistant to funguses such as botrytis by virtue of being thicker skinned. Aroma wise it is earthier, more powerful and more rustic; and on-going analyses reveal significantly higher levels of acidity together with much greater concentration.   Following alcoholic fermentation and prior to being bottled, it spends 10 months in a combination of 500 litre capacity French oak barrels, steel, and amphorae of different sizes made partly with clay from our estate: a true return to the earth. The colour is crystalline yellow, bathed with golden reflections. At the nose it is complex, zingy, aromatic, electric in its energy, with a plethora of understated fruits and complementary herbal undercurrents, a touch of sweet apple, and most judiciously understated oak, this is ever so fine.  At the palate, it is tense, rich with a lot of volume. An extensive and fresh aftertaste elegance with personality and typically are found at the end of this wine. Perfect pairings are delicate white meat, peppers to remind the aroma and taste of the Verdejo, grilled fish with potatoes, creamy risottos with fish and vegetables, paella. Size: 0,75 L Alcohol: 13% vol. Serve at 8-10°C

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Sobrenatural - Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y Leòn

Sobrenatural - Vino de la Tierra de Castilla y Leòn

€ 72,00

Sobrenatural is a noble wine, a homage to Nature, which weathers the passing of time by adapting itself to its changes. Earthly elements fuse with the future and all things come to pass, for this is a white wine made from our Verdeja, which we nurse for some three years until it begins to blossom. Artifice and makeup free, neither with any sulphur, it gently matures and evolves into something rather special along age old lines. Spontaneous fermentation on the basis of naturally occurring wild yeasts and subsequent malolactic incorporating its natural bacteria. No sulphur is added at any stage. Controlled oxidative ageing in used oak barriques and vats for 36 months; then left to settle and fine tune in bottle for 6 months prior to release. The coulor is golden, with the iridescence of old gold; clean and crystalline. At the palate, minerally yet also reminiscent of wet earth; with fruit such as ripe apple; and a certain sweetness too, with suggestions of custard, crème pâtissière and baked apples. A whiff of saltpetre too. One’s first impression is of unctuousness and striking mouth-feel, yet it’s surprisingly and pleasingly delicate. The balanced interplay of not quite sweetness and subtle salinity works well and is intriguing; and one is left with a sensation of purity but melancholy and nostalgia too, as the art of making offerings such as this has largely been lost. Size 0,75 L Alcohol: 13% vol. Serve at : 10-12°C

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Adorado de Menade - Solera

Adorado de Menade - Solera

€ 72,00

Adorado: un solera di uve Verdejo e Palomino. Prodotto con un sistema solera e su una base di flor (un sottile strato superficiale di lievito indigeno color avorio che protegge il vino dal contatto con l’aria e si rigenera naturalmente ad ogni nuova annata), ogni anno una parte di vino (saca) viene rimossa da sostituire proporzionalmente lungo tutta la linea di barili, in modo tale che il vino imbottigliato ogni anno - che si è ossidato e quindi cresce di colore e sapore nei barili intermedi - sia sempre identico (e quindi popolarmente chiamato rancio). Adorado è quindi la celebrazione della storia della famiglia Sanz e un tributo alle nostre radici locali. La pigiatura viene effettuata in una storica pressa verticale del 1900. I mosti sono totalmente naturali e quindi torbidi, e la fermentazione si avvia naturalmente in virtù dei lieviti sulle bucce. Dopo la fermentazione, il vino finito viene fortificato con acquavite di vino bianco per ottenere 2 o 3 gradi extra di alcol prima del suo invecchiamento. Il vino sviluppa una “flor” naturale, di solito intorno alla primavera, e, consente il processo di maturazione/ ossidazione nella nostra vecchia cantina sotterranea a La Seca. Il vino è semplicemente così com’è, senza chiarifica o filtrazione. Colore ambra e oro antico. Vero e tipicamente “rancio” in uno stile ossidativo generoso, profuma di noci, e simile forse agli stili di un tempo dell’amontillado secco di Jerez con note sottostanti di frutta secca. Ricco di sapori e sensazioni diverse, si esprime in sensazioni di finezza, equilibrato e rotondo con struttura, note saline e complessità. Può essere tutto o niente: dipende da te e dal tuo essere quando lo bevi: Adorado non ha mezze misure! Un vino che si presta a grandi percorsi gastronomici, con piatti principalmente molto ricchi, come costolette di maiale, stufati, zuppe di lardo, formaggi molto stagionati. Oppure come vino da meditazione a fine pasto, come uno Sherry. A voi la scelta! Alcol: 15,50 % vol. Contenuto: 750 ml Su richiesta anche in versione magnum, scrivete a per la disponibilità.

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